Doctor Who DVD Special Features Index Wiki


Commentary by Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Kevin McNally (Hugo).

The Star Man[]

An interview with title sequence designer Sid Sutton. Producer: Ed Stradling. (6'05" | 4:3 | 2008)

Look 100 Years Younger[]

Colin Baker and comedian Amy Lamé discuss The Doctor's costumes over the years. Producer: James Goss. (11'47" | 16:9 | 2009)

Stripped for Action: The Sixth Doctor[]

A look at the Sixth Doctor's comic strip adventures from the pages of Doctor Who Magazine. Featuring interviews with artist John Ridgway, writer Simon Furman, former Doctor Who Magazine editors Alan McKenzie, Gary Russell and Alan Barnes. Producers: Natalie Danielle Powell, Anthony Caulfield, Rohan Latchman. Director: Marcus Hearn. (17'47" | 16:9 | 2009)

Breakfast Time[]

Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant interviewed by Frank Bough and Selina Scott on the BBC's breakfast TV show. (9'53" | 4:3 | 1984)

Blue Peter[]

Colin Baker interviewed by Janet Ellis on the long-running children's magazine show. (10'01" | 4:3 | 1984)


BBC1 continuity announcements from the story's original transmission. (3'12" | 4:3 | 1984)

Radio Times Billings[]

Episode listings for this story from the BBC magazine Radio Times in PDF format.

Production Subtitles[]

Text commentary by Jim Smith providing cast details, script development and other information related to the production of this story.

Photo Gallery[]

A selection of rare and previously unpublished photographs from the recording of this story. Music: Malcolm Clarke. Editor: Derek Handley. (8'06" | 4:3 | 2009)

Coming Soon[]

A preview of The Keys of Marinus. The trailer for this story is available on The Black Guardian Trilogy. (1'12" | 4:3 | 2009)

Easter Egg[]

Film Trims (Mute). From the 'Special Features' menu, go to the left of 'Breakfast Time' to highlight the hidden Doctor Who logo and select. (3'59" | 4:3 | 1984)

Additional Special Features[]

Directing Who: Peter Moffatt[]

Veteran television director Peter Moffatt looks back with affection on his work on Doctor Who. Produced by John Finklestone. Produced by Peter Finklestone. Included on The Visitation disc. (26'00" | 2004)
